City of Cincinnati Ohio Line of Duty and Military Deaths



The Greater Cincinnati Police Museum

“Preserving the History of Law Enforcement in the Greater Cincinnati Area”





City of Cincinnati’s Line of Duty and Military Deaths
Patrolman Allen J. Althoff Patrolman Louis Klusman
Patrolman Anton Bachman Patrolman Edward F. Knaul
Patrolman Robert V. Bastin Patrolman Charles Kneisel
Patrolman Howard E. Beitman Patrolman Jacob Kuenzel
Police Officer Dennis Bennington (Seiffert) Patrolman Martin Kunkel
Patrolman Earle H. Biddle, Jr. USNR Sergeant Robert A. Lally
Substitute Patrolman Abraham Bird Patrolman Robert D. Leigh
Patrolman William C. Boers Motor Patrolman George Le Poris (Wegener)
Patrolman William Bond Patrolman Charles Lind
Night Watchman John Brasher Police Officer William J. Loftin
Patrolman Luther Brooks Watchman Claborne Long (Hallam)
Police Officer Charles Burdsall Patrolman Donald Martin
Sergeant Joseph M. Burman Patrolman Julius Mayer, Jr.
Police Officer Anthony C. Campbell USAFR Detective Robert E. Moran
Detective Sergeant John Cameron Court Officer Richard Morris
Special Officer Armstrong Chumley Patrol Driver Michael Mulvihill
Patrolman David L. Cole Patrolman John W. Neal
Lieutenant Sam Corbin Officer Patrick Nuttle
SubPatrolman Clifford Cornish Patrolman James O’Neill
Police Officer Kevin C. Crayon Lieutenant Levi Parker
Patrolman Thomas E. Dameron Patrolman Charles Peterson
Constable Peter Davison Police Officer Daniel Pope (Jeter)
 Night Watchman John Davis Matron Rose A. Regan
Detective William Henry Reany
Staionhouse Keeper Deering Patrolman Patrick Riley
Patrolman William H. Deiters Patrolman Lawrence Robbins
Captain George B. Dooley Patrolman Samuel J. Robins
Patrolman Joseph Duffy Substitute Patrolman Henry Roese
Mounted Patrolman Richard C. Ell Patrolman Henry Ruberg
Patrolman John A. Franken Patrolman William Satters
Substitute Patrolman James R. Gallagher Patrolman William Sanders
Police Officer Clifford George Patrolman Anthony Schaefer
Cincinnati Officer William Henry Schmudde
Patrolman Martin Gorman Patrolman Henry Schierloh
Patrolman Lewis William Hall Patrolman John Schroeder
Watchman Daniel Hallam (Long) Patrolman Craig Scott
Patrolman Henry Hanakas Private Watchman Officer Uriah H. Sears
Sergeant Charles F. Handorf Detective Fred Seebohm
Detective Walter T. Hart Police Officer Robert Seiffert (Bennington)
Patrolman Carl P. Hauck Patrolman Frank Seip
Police Officer Melvin Henze Detective Howard F. Smith
Patrolman Jessie Roy Hicks Patrolman William O. Sorrell
Sergeant Carl F. Hille Officer Joseph Stoddard
Detective Franklin Hueftlein Patrolwagon Driver Joseph Sturm
Patrolman John W. Hughes Acting Detective Anthony Tekulve
Patrolman Carl Edward Thorwarth
Patrolman Addison C. Hutchison Police Officer James (Gary) Weber
Police Specialist Ronald Jeter (Pope) Detective Albert W. Wegener
Patrolman Frederick Karsch Sergeant Albert F. Weller
Patrolman Anthony Kemper Patrolman Walter H. Williams
Police Officer Sonny Kim Patrolman Sargent M. Willis
Patrolman Lawrence M. Klump Patrolman Olin C. Wilson, Sr.
Patrolman Henry Zimmerer