


The Greater Cincinnati Police Museum

“Preserving the History of Law Enforcement in the Greater Cincinnati Area”





The Society is always looking for new members.  If you have an interest in preserving the history of law enforcement in the nearly one hundred communities in the Tri-State area and thereby honoring the sacrifices made by so many police officers and their families, please become a member. The fee is only $25.


Please complete a Membership Application and mail it and a check or money order to:
Greater Cincinnati Police Museum
308 Reading Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45202


Use your credit card via PayPal by clicking the “Subscribe” button below

Alternately, you can  email us at If you do not  have email, call (513) 300-3664.




If you have an enhanced interest in preserving the history of law enforcement and contributing to the mission of the Society, we have several volunteer positions including clerical, museum guides, instructors, custodial, researchers, etc.


Most of our volunteers are museum guides.  Many of our guides have no law enforcement background.  We can teach almost anyone to be a guide.


Of course, active and retired law enforcement officers are always welcome volunteers. If you would like information on becoming a volunteer, complete a  Membership Application and mail it to:

Greater Cincinnati Police Museum
308 Reading Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45202


Alternately you may email us at  If youdo not  email, please call (513) 300-3664.