Notable Careers



Every law enforcement employee owns a piece of the effort to keep safe the members of and visitors to the communities they serve. Every sworn member of every law enforcement agency risks his or her life, sometimes multiple times a day, in that effort. They are all extraordinary men and women. Below, you will find the careers of some whose service to their country and/or community was notable even among the extraordinary.


Richard Ernest Atkins
Bennington, Dennis E.
Berning Mary Lou
Beuke, William Tl.
Ceasar, Clarence W.
Dills, Milton B.
Edgar, James
John Clifford “Jack” Greene
Gros, Richard W.
Hergert, Kenneth C.
Hess, Russell D.
Kellison, Thomas E.
Klug, Charles A.
Laubach , Aaron C.
Lind, Carl A.
Lind, Thomas A.
McAlpin, Thomas J. III
Mentrup, Thomas E.
Allen Moore
Morgan, Paul J.
Olvey, George P.
Otten, Thomas H.
Pitakos,  Stanley A. “Tex”
Phegley, Jeffrey M.
Rauschenberger, Carl E.
Raymond Richard Schad
Steers, Daniel H.
Schilling, Donald eE
Sweeney, Michael T.
Seiffert, Robert T.
Weber, Timothy R.
Zieverink , Edward W. III