21st Century Line of Duty Deaths 0:00 The Greater Cincinnati Police Museum “Preserving the History of Law Enforcement in the Greater Cincinnati Area” 21th Century Line of Duty Deaths 102550100 entries per pageSearch: ImageDate of IncidentNameAgency ServedIncident Details 09/01/2000Police Officer Kevin Curtis CrayonCincinnati Police DivisionClick or tap to read 05/19/2003Conservation Officer Douglas Wayne BryantKentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife ResourcesClick or tap to read 01/25/2005Detective Sergeant Thomas Lynn Cochran Lawrenceburg Police DepartmentClick or tap to read 12/15/2009Police Officer Anthony C. Campbell Jr. Cincinnati Police DivisionClick or tap to read 01/26/2010Police Chief Carl E. WorleyRoss Township Police DepartmentClick or tap to read 05/10/2011Sergeant Brian S. DulleWarren County Sheriff’s OfficeClick or tap to read 06/19/2015Police Officer Sonny L. KimCincinnati Police DivisionClick or tap to read 01/04/2019Police Officer Dale James WoodsColerain Township Police DepartmentClick or tap to read 02/22/2019Detective William Lee BrewerClermont County Sheriff’s OfficeClick or tap to read Showing 1 to 10 of 14 entries‹12› Share this:TweetPocketWhatsAppNextdoorTelegramEmail