New Features on the Website




Website Update

Several new and exciting pages have been added to the Greater Cincinnati Police Museum Website:


  • Legends in Local Law Enforcement:  This page features biographical information on individuals who have distinguished themselves in various ways during their careers.  This page contains links to the articles currently available.  Additional articles will be added as they become available, so check back often.  You can view this page by clicking here, or by clicking on the Legends item in the main menu of the website.


  • Police museum Video Gallery:  This page is a collection of video clips about the Police Museum or other items of interest relating to the History of Policing in the Greater Cincinnati area.  This also is a work in progress and new clips will be added as they become available.  You can view this page by clicking here or by clicking on the Galleries link on the main menu of the website.


I hope you find these new features interesting, informative, and useful.  If you see any issues or typos (my specialty) or have comments or concerns, please feel free to email me at  Your input is strongly encouraged.


Tom Lind