Officers Shot but Not Killed



 Krista Holtman was working with a partner and was in the passenger seat of a marked vehicle (a two-officer patrol car) when they stopped a car for a moving violation. As she was exiting her vehicle the passenger in the other vehicle was exiting his. Officer Holtmen thought she saw something white drop onto the ground.  She glanced down but didn’t notice that he was producing a 9mm hand-gun, which he shot her with. Because her head was down looking at the object on the ground the bullet went through the bill of her uniform hat, ricocheted off her glasses and scraped down her cheek. Shots were exchanged by the other officers on the scene and the suspect was apprehended.


Don Jasper was chasing a hold-up suspect. The suspect rounded a curve, stopped his vehicle got out and  began  shooting at the officer as he rounded the bend. The bullets struck the passenger side of the windshield, and officer Jasper stopped and took cover at the side of his vehicle. The suspect continued shooting while walking towards the officer. One shot struck Jasper in the chest and the other I the ear. Due to his bulletproof vest officer Jasper was only stunned, the bullet did not penetrate the vest. The  suspect returned to his vehicle and drove away, and was later apprehended without incident.


Kathleen Conway was sitting in her marked car at a traffic light when an individual carring a large radio on his shoulder approached he, as she rolled down the window he struck her in the head with the radio produced a 357 cal revolver and shot her several times in her left side. (What she did not know was that he was a former mental patient) He opened the door pushed the officer onto the floor of the passenger side, got in and started to drive away. In extream pain officer Conway, while laying on her gun was able to get it out and shoot her assailant in the head twice, and killed him. At his autopsy the coroner said, “two shots, one hole”. Unfortunately she retired because of her injuries.


Dave Painer  observed an individual toss a can on the ground in plane sight of the officer as he approached. The suspect shot Officer Painer in the stomach at point blank range, and his bulletproof vest saved him, it just left a large bruise on his stomach. The suspect was apprehended at the scene.