Gift Shop




The Greater Cincinnati Police Museum

“Preserving the History of Law Enforcement in the Greater Cincinnati Area”


-Visit the Museum’s Gift Shop-

Find unique law enforcement collectibles for sale!



We are open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 10am-4pm. Admission is Adults $8, Seniors (65+) $7, Children (7–17) $6.  The Greater Cincinnati Police Museum is a non-profit organization,  Your contributions are very important and deeply appreciated. It should also be noted that we have no paid staff – all those who work with the Museum are volunteers. All of your donations will go to the day to day operation of the Museum and the Museum Society.

To order any item on the Gift Shop page just click on the order form.  Fill in all required fields and click submit and it will be automatically emailed to the Gift Shop.   The Gift Shop will email an electronic invoice for your items. You can click on the link sent and pay with any debit/credit card. We will then send the items out through USPS. A Signature may be required for some deliveries.

Here are only a few of our featured items.  Click on the picture of the item to generate a larger view.



Gifts$10.00 and Under


"Our Police" CD - $7.00 “Our Police”CD $7.00 Order Form
Key_Ring_CinPD 2 Cincinnati Police Badge Key Ring $10.00 Order Form
Key_Ring_HCSO 2 Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office Badge Keyring $10.00 Order Form
Koozies Can  

Museum Can Koozie

$3.00 Order Form
Koozie_Bottle Museum Bottle Koozie $5.00 Order Form
Cross 5½” Wooden “Serve and Protect” Cross
Order Form
Bracelet_Blue_Line Thin Blue Line Bracelet
$4.00 Order Form
Lanyard Museum Lanyard
Order Form
Ball_Marker Museum Ball Marker
$8.00 Order Form



Gifts $11.00 –  $20.00


Cincinnati Police Stations 

A Brief Illustrated History

$20.00 Order Form
 Cincinnati Police Department Koozie $15.00 Order Form
Book_Behind_the_Lines Behind the Lines $20.00 Order Form
Book_Cincinnati_Police_History Cincinnati Police History
Order Form
Book_Cincinnati_Celebrety_Criminal_Defender Cincinnati’s Celebrity Criminal Defender
Order Form
Money_Clip_CinPD_2 Cincinnati Police Badge Money Clip
Order Form
Money_Clip_OH_Deputy Hamilton County Sheriff”s Office Money Clip
Order Form
Cincinnati Police Department Challenge Coin $14.00 Order Form
Greater Cincinnati Police Museum Challenge Coin
Order Form
Ohio Sheriff Challenge Coin
  Order Form




( More Designs Available in  the Museum’s Gift Shop)


Ballcap_3 The Greater Cincinnati Police Museum Ball Cap $20.00 Order Form
Tshirt_Large_Logo The Greater Cincinnati Police Museum Large Logo T-shirt $16.00 Order Form
Shirt_Polo_2 The Greater Cincinnati Police Museum Polo Shirt $18.00 Order Form
Shirt_Infant_Police Infant Police Shirt
$14.00 Order Form
Shirt_Infant_Sheriff Infant Sheriff Shirt
$14.00 Order Form



Custom Gifts


Clock_CinPD Cincinnati Police Department Badge Clock (with or without stand) $55.00 Order Form
Brick_Memorial Memorial Bricks $50.00 Order Form
Tribute_CinPD_Officer_Badge Framed Tribute with collar insignia and brass plate $25.00 Order Form




25¢ Each / $1.00 for 6-Card Set / $5.00 for all 36


Post_Cards_Set_1SET 1 – Reproductions of “trading cards,” of the Court House Riots, 1884: The Hamilton County Court House in flames, set by rioters; rioters meeting at Music Hall; police and National Guardsmen at the barricades in front of the Court House; barricades on the side of the Court House; a squad of police taking cannons away from rioters; police and volunteers taking the wounded to the hospital.

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Post_Cards_Set_2SET 2 – Roll of Honor issued to Patrolman William Boers in 1900 for saving three boys by stopping a runaway mule; African-American police officers in the early 1920s (two are: John “Pop” Toney and Olin Wilson, who later died in the line of duty); Cincinnati Police Patrol Wagon #5, circa 1890s; Cincinnati Police Department’s “Police Colts” semi-pro baseball team; the Hamilton County Sheriff’s deputies after three days of rioting in Cincinnati caused 50 deaths and the burning of the courthouse, 1884; a late 19th Century poster showing scenes from the 1884 Hamilton County “Courthouse Riots.”

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Post_Cards_Set_3SET 3 – Reproduction of a century-old postcard showing Cincinnati Mounted Police Troop; African-American Patrolman Webster Roberts, of the Lockland, Ohio, Police Department, circa 1900; a reproduction of another century-old postcard, showing the Cincinnati Work House; Cincinnati Police Sergeant Edwin Goeper in his parade uniform, 1899; a Cincinnati patrolman who won the prestigious Alms Medal, circa 1910s; Cincinnati Police Patrol Wagon #4, circa 1890s.


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Post_Cards_Set_4aSET 4 – Cincinnati Police Lieutenant William Copelan, 1907. Copelan later served as the Cincinnati’s Police Chief for 23 years!; early Community Policing: Cincinnati Patrolman George Steidinger poses with a young boy circa 1890s; the Cincinnati Park Police

posing in Eden Park, 1935; a Newport, Kentucky police officer in the 1920s; reproduction of a century-old postcard of Cincinnati Police inspection in front of City Hall, in 1907; Cincinnati Police Chief Paul Milliken rides in a 1910 Thomas automobile.


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Post_Cards_Set_5SET 5 – Reproduction of a classic postcard of the Cincinnati Police Inspection in the Reds’ Ballpark, circa 1906; Cincinnati Patrolman Roscoe Lewis on the steps of Corryville Elementary School, 1917; 1895 photo of Cincinnati Police Command staff: Chief Phillip Deitsch, Superintendant George Hadley, Superintendent Thomas Duffey, and Superintendent of Detectives Lawrence Hazen; the St. Bernard, Ohio, Police Department, 1901; Cincinnati Police Lieutenants and Sergeants at City Hall, 1915; Cincinnati Police Chief Paul Milliken and “Handsome,” in an early police car, 1910.


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Post_Cards_Set_6SET 6 – Cincinnati Police Detective Frank A. B. Hall, who retired in 1926 and became Cincinnati’s first African-American Councilman; Cincinnati Patrolman Dawson Moneyhon displays his Colt revolver, circa 1918; Ladies of the Rotary Convention, “Joy Riding,” in a Cincinnati patrol wagon, 1916; reproduced antique postcard depicting the Cincinnati Mounted Patrol on maneuvers, circa 1908; Cincinnati Patrolman Frank Muller, circa 1900; Hamilton County, Ohio, Traffic Officer Chris Robisch, 1935, who later became Chief of Mariemont Police.


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