Social Security Windfall Payment Pledge



The Social Security WEP penalty no longer applies to cops getting Social Security benefits. If you collect Social Security, in the next few months you will be getting a lump sum repayment retroactive to January 1, 2024. Likely, the lump sum will be thousands of dollars that you never had any expectation of receiving.

TThe Greater Cincinnati Police Historical Society asks that, when you get it, you will gift $1000 of your windfall to help us finally move our museum to a permanent home out of Over-the-Rhine.ent home of Over-the-Rhine. Most of you know, that:

  • We operate the only regional police museum, serving over 100 agencies in three states,
  • It is the largest law enforcement museum, by artifact and archive count, in the country,
  • It is the Number One attraction in Greater Cincinnati, according to,
  • We have written enhanced obituaries for 882 law enforcement employees since 2013, and
  • We have researched and written complete narratives of 207 tri-state line of duty deaths.

But we do far more for you and your families, agencies, and communities. Too many to list here.


Please pledge a portion of your treasure to help us continue our mission:  you can download a copy of the pledge form by clickingHERE.

Please mail this form to:

Greater Cincinnati Police Museum
308 Reading Road, Suite 201
Cincinnati, OH 45202


Alternately you can scan and email it to

We will contact you when the checks come out to arrange for fulfillment of your pledge.


We thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.


Note: If you are not a recipient of this payment but still wish to contribute, please visit our donations page for ways in which you can help.